About Us

Hi, we are Better Digital

The Adobe development partner you can count on

There is no shortage of Adobe partners to choose from—big IT companies, large agencies, and even Adobe themselves. So why choose Better Digital?

Simply put, we won’t let you fail. You won’t find yourself stressed, over budget or missing deadlines. You’ll have a true Adobe partner that helps you understand what’s possible while ensuring your credibility is maintained.

A different kind of Adobe development company

We don’t have an offshore development center stuffed with a 1,000 junior developers. But we do have a loyal in-house team of over 100 expert architects, developers and project delivery leads that know Adobe AEM inside and out.

We don’t bloat your project with billable resources

We are accountable with a reputation to maintain

We deliver results, not excuses

Anti logo for Big IT
A bunch of photos of the team

Our story

In 2011, we fell in love with AEM (at the time CQ). We decided to go all in. In fact, most of us started by working directly with Adobe by consulting on AEM projects. Work was fun. We got to solve complex problems in creative ways without taking shortcuts. The demand for AEM was hot!

Then we started to see things change. Big IT companies, inexperienced agencies and a flood of junior developers all solving the wrong problems for clients trying to cash in on AEM's rise.

So we had a decision to make: scale by taking shortcuts, prioritize margin over reputation and churn through as many projects as possible? Or keep our dedicated focus on being the best AEM development company for our clients?

We chose to be the best.

"Working with our company is very demanding. With many stakeholders and levels of approvals for work to be implemented. Better Digital was our trusted advisor and was critical for aligning our teams on what success looks like with Adobe AEM."

About Us

Our experience started the day Adobe launched AEM

Hire the experts with 12 years of experience, who have tackled countless use cases, solved numerous requirements, and unlocked significant value across Adobe products.


Projects Delivered


Customer Retention


Adobe Certifications

Are your team members in-house or contractors?

All of our team members are full-time, dedicated in-house employees. We are not a recruiting or staffing agency. We are not a talent marketplace. And we do not source your projects with temporary resources.

Where is your team located?

Our team is located across the U.S. and South America. We find that keeping everyone within a 1-2 hour (max) time zone difference removes a lot of the overhead required to work effectively together.

What are your rates?

The best way to answer this question is to contact us. After understanding more about your requirements, we can send you our rate card and specifics on how best to succeed with our team.

Our minimum contract length is for 90 days.

Can your team work on-site?

Not full-time. However, if we need to huddle for a week or so to brainstorm, kick off a project, or celebrate a big win, then absolutely.

Co-founder of Better Digital Rick Reich

Meet Rick Reich

Co-Founder, Head of Adobe Professional Services

LinkedIn icon that links to Rick's profile

Hi, I'm Rick, and I understand that trust is earned, not claimed. It's easy to be skeptical, especially when every website claims that they’re trustworthy. But here's why I say it: because trust is the foundation of everything we do.

My promise to you is simple: if you choose Better Digital, you're not just a client, you're a partner. And as your partner, my team and I will go above and beyond to ensure your success.

We're not here to make empty promises or sell you on flashy ideas. We're here to deliver real results and build a long-lasting relationship based on trust and mutual success. So, let's work together to create something amazing.

About Us

Plus, Better Digital is here to stay

Because behind every project we deliver, right down to each line of code, stands a well-run company with a culture that’s unmatched.

Zero debt, privately held and financially solid.

Near-perfect customer and employee retention rate.

100% focused on Adobe technology and our reputation.

Contact us anytime with any questions.

Join the Team

Find respect for your talent and a culture of cutting edge development and delivery.

Adobe experts at Better Digital

Better Digital is really just BETTER”

- VP, Digital Platforms

The Adobe dev team you need”

- IT Product Owner

Outstanding development talent”

- Dir. Web Marketing

Ready to get started?

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