Adobe AEM Content Authoring

Why you need an Adobe AEM content authoring expert

You’re busy…

In fact, too busy and so is your team. The promise of using Adobe AEM was to make your job easier. But in reality, it made it more challenging.

You now have to manage assets, metadata, components, templates and workflows. Plus become an AEM authoring expert while staying current with the latest Adobe features.

All while ensuring timelines are met, feedback is organized and projects are balanced.

Here's your solution

Now what if you could add a content authoring guru to your team to take ownership of all this work?

And what if that certified AEM content authoring expert, with years of experience turning chaos into order, costs only $65 an hour?

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Content Author

$65 / hour

Years of experience

Trusted and organized

Certified AEM author

Backed by Better Digital

Rate is based on an annual retainer

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Adobe AEM Content Authoring

Now just think of all these benefits you get from an AEM content author

Skip more meetings and get your to-do list done

Now imagine getting time back on your calendar. Wouldn’t that be nice? Now you can. When you hire a content authoring expert from Better Digital, you are getting a go-to resource on your team that will help you turn chaos into order.

Know what Adobe features are helpful to you

The truth is, there is more to AEM than just components and templates. In fact, there are hundreds of features that you can use today that can make your life easier. This is why having an Adobe authoring expert on your team is so valuable.

Gain control over content management

Authoring content in AEM can be frustrating. Especially when you’re always under a deadline. This is where we come in. With certified AEM content authors ready to jump in and help. The result? Content management just became easy.

"Thank you Better Digital. You turned around our content management process and improved our website performance."

"We use AEM at scale to reach millions of users globally. That can only happen when you have above average people on your team."

"We leverage cutting edge technology to drive our business. Then use that to deliver personalized experiences to every user."

Adobe AEM Managed Services

Frequently asked questions

More questions? Contact us

Is there a free tier?

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Is there a free tier?

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Is there a free tier?

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Adobe AEM Content Authoring

Frequently asked questions

More questions? Contact us

Are your team members in-house or contractors?

All of our team members are full-time, dedicated in-house employees. We are not a recruiting or staffing agency. We are not a talent marketplace. And we do not source your projects with temporary resources.

Where is your team located?

Our team is located across the U.S. and South America. We find that keeping everyone within a 1-2 hour (max) time zone difference removes a lot of the overhead required to work effectively together.

What are your rates?

The best way to answer this question is to contact us. After understanding more about your requirements, we can send you our rate card and specifics on how best to succeed with our team.

Our minimum contract length is for 90 days.

Can your team work on-site?

Not full-time. However, if we need to huddle for a week or so to brainstorm, kick off a project, or celebrate a big win, then absolutely.

Adobe AEM projects thrive with a skilled content author, ensuring seamless collaboration, efficient workflows and enhancing digital experiences.

- Michelle, AEM Content Author

A woman's headshot of a better digital team member

Content authoring is 10x better”

- Dir. Demand Marketing

We are glad we hired Better Digital”

- Sr. QA Lead

Reliable, skilled and very smart”

- Global Marketing Mgr.

Ready to get started?

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